My Story
Have you always felt there was something missing in your life and career? I always thought that I was put on this earth to be a singer & then a teacher. However, I have realized it was something much more! I come from a performing arts background with my mother being India’s only Opera Diva, a voice teacher and director. I could sing before I could speak, says my mother. Therefore, it was understood that I would be a singer. Those were big shoes to fill, resulting in me shying away from performing at parties, etc. till the age of 15. My mother could perform at the drop off a hat.
Phase 1 in my musical journey was at Christmas of 1979, at a talent show in the suburb I lived in. As a shy child, my mother asked if I wanted to participate, and I said yes. I ended up walking away with the Rolling Trophy. Winning the trophy changed my level of confidence. I finally developed the courage to perform publicly, and began competing a lot, winning most competitions in Bombay. My mother was my first teacher, after which I studied with several teachers in India, Philippines & the USA.

Phase 2 in my musical journey was in 1984. I got accepted at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) for my Bachelor of Music Degree. Even though I came from a musical background, I had no training in the core areas of music like music theory, counterpoint, etc. I was really lost in those classes. This was not just a cultural, but musical shock. Once again this was a blow to my confidence! The only option was to work hard, get the help, and do well, as I knew there was no training like this in India, and there was no turning back. Luckily I had the support of my teacher, Katherine Sternberg, and the Dean of the Conservatory, Dr. Atabug who arranged for a tutor to help me! I worked very hard, leading to great results, thus boosting my confidence! Years later, this experience led me to starting my own academy where I offered the core subjects so students would be trained in these areas, and never go through what I had to.
Many years later, now in the United States, and having pursued multiple music degrees, by this point in my career and life, as a singer, teacher, full-time working mom, and wife, I was able to apply what I learnt leading me to this point in my life’s journey today.
2005 was the turning point in my musical journey. I got laid off from my full-time day job leaving me disappointed, and unsure. Working a full-time job and doing music part-time always made me feel incomplete. Even though I was disappointed at being laid off, I saw it as a sign to pursue music full-time, completing me! Motivated and driven, I started my full-time in-person & online studio, teaching voice, beginner, and intermediate level piano, and taught drama at a school, directing musicals. I continued my performing career, and church gigs.

Phase 3 of my musical journey totally shaped the way I teach today. In 2019, I was directing “Annie” at a school, and a student who was quite introverted, had been in the drama program every semester, improving every year, and now playing a lead role. She was having difficulty getting into character. On the day of the performance, I worked with this student for an hour prior to curtain. The performance started, and she became the character. The result was transformational for her, and me. She taught me that with compassion, determination, hard work, resilience, humility, and passion extraordinary results are possible!
The many experiences in my life, concert, and teaching career, especially the experience above have empowered me to make extraordinary changes in the lives of others, helping them believe in themselves, and achieve the unthinkable! I know there are many out there who would like to unleash their inner voice, be confident, and be extraordinary!